
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Pineapple BBQ Chicken in a Dutch Oven

Cook in the Dutch Oven or Sun Oven for Fantastic Results

I was going to make a pineapple upside down cake for this post, but I am glad my wife suggested making pineapple barbecue chicken.  Our family loves barbecue chicken salad, so this was a great summer meal.  The best part was that I was able to cook it outside in the dutch oven.  If I had started ealy enough I would have opted for the Sun Oven, although it may have been difficult because of the cloud cover we have had.  You can also take your crock pot out to the back porch and cook it outside.  It is enjoyable to find ways to keep the heat out of the kitchen!

After you have cooked this recipe, serve over brown rice or shred the chicken and add to a wonderful leafy salad.  This recipe is very simple, yet delicious:

2 Cups Reconstituted Freeze Dried Pineapple (I cooked 2 Cups of Freeze Dried Pineapple with 2 Cups of Water over medium heat for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally)

6-8 Pieces of Chicken Breasts and/or Thighs

4 Cups of Barbecue Sauce

For Dutch Oven:  Use a 12" camp dutch oven.  Rub the dutch oven with butter or oil to help the barbecue sauce from sticking so much during cooking.  Mix the pineapple and barbecue sauce together and then pour into the dutch oven.  Add the chicken.  Light 12 Charcoal Brickettes and allow the brickettes to burn for about 10 minutes before placing the dutch oven over the coals.  Cook for 2 hours with the lid off.  If you leave the lid on you will only cook it for 1 1/2 hours but the sauce will be more liquidy.

Sun Oven:  Combine the barbecue sauce and pineapple in your pot and then add the chicken.  Cook for 3 hours.  If possible, re-adjust  the sun oven to keep up with the sun every hour to maintain a consistent temperature in the oven.  If not, you may need to cook for up to 4 hours.

Crock Pot:  Rub the bottom of the crockpot with butter or oil and then add the chicken.  Mix the barbecue sauce and pineapples and then pour over the chicken.  Cook for 3-4 hours on high, or cook 6-8 hours on low.