
Monday, October 4, 2010

Emergency Water Rations

Emergency Water Rations

SOS Emergency Purified Water
Many individuals and families choose SOS Emergency Purified Water pouches for their emergency water needs.  These pouches make a great addition to 72 Hour Kits, Bug Out Bags, Get Home Kits and Automobile Kits.  The purified water is sealed in a mylar pouch for 5 year store.  The pouches contain just over 1/2 cup of water.  These are Coast Guard approved and are designed for compact storage and easy access.
These pouches are great for emergency kits because they are packed in small portion sizes and the mylar is not a hard container like bottles.  This allows pouches to fit well into your pack.  The mylar is also quite strong and does not allow in light.  The top of the mylar bag is designed for easy tearing to open the pouch.  By using these pouches you avoid the necessity of rotating water bottles every few months.